Monday, August 3, 2015

This Land is My Land

So, where are we planning to accomplish all of this homesteading and living free? Well, let's take a quick step back in time. Since around 2010 we have wanted to relocate from our midwest hometown and find somewhere nice and secure to raise our kids. We also wanted to save money and live on less for less. We have been looking into all sorts of places to move and even considered Costa Rica at one point. After looking on and off for years we'd basically resigned ourselves to the fact that we would probably never move out of the state let alone the country. We happened to be looking around on ebay, not really shopping but just poking around. I somehow ended up looking at plots of land that was for sale, but the auction wasn't for the entire purchase price but instead was for the down payment price only. It was explained in the ad that the down payment would be due at the end of the auction and the rest of the purchase price would be spread out over 15-30 years depending on the seller. This land was being sold with no credit check and in some cases with less than 300 down payment. I assumed there had to be a catch but after many hours over the next few days I quickly realized that there was an opportunity here we couldn't pass up. We found many of the companies doing business on ebay had websites with many other options not listed on the auction site.We first decided which land company we wanted to go with as each land company had it's pros and cons. We then decided what states we were going to look at based on the homeschooling laws and proximity to our home state as well as propensity to natural disasters. So we settled on a state and set about prioritizing what we looking for in a piece of land. How much were we willing to spend per acre? How many acres were we looking for? We narrowed it down to three properties. The next morning we called the property agent and she let us know that our favorite lot of the three was sold. She also let me know there was a 5 acre plot that was not yet on the market and it had everything we were looking for including a well. We completed the sale that day. The 5 acres has a stream that runs along the western border, a private well and electric hook ups. We will need to develop our our solution for waste disposal and pay to get all utilities ready for use in the camper, but they are there!! We are very excited to finally own a piece of property. We bought the property sight unseen, which I guess sounds crazy to some people but we are kinda crazy like that. We will be going to see the land next week and moving there full time in about 2 weeks. We will share all the excitement here!


  1. So excited for guys. I just left a comment on facebook about our family being led down a similar path by God. So a couple of questions for you if you don't mind. Has your family considered a composting toilet?? We are considering one so we can get rid of our blackwater tank. As far as electricity goes, we are in the process of getting a solar system set up. Currently we are charging batteries with a generator so we can use our inverter to power the camper. We don't have a well yet so we purchased a 550 gallon water tank. Our here we pay 25 cents per 100 gallons of mountain spring fed lake water. I look forward to keeping you company on your journey.

    1. HI Jimila!! It is also very exciting to hear bout you and your family!! We have not been able to find any Black people doing this kind of lifestyle switch anywhere! At least not online. So we figured we would start a blog and Youtube channel to put it out there what can be done and see if we can find any like minded folks, lol. But yeah we are deciding between a composting toilet and a Lagoon, our waste disposal. BUt first we have to figure out what the heck a Lagoon is, lol. The property agent suggested one and said it was what her family had used for years. We just can't find any good youtube videos about it... But yeah we will probably end up with a homemade composting toilet, that can power the gardening process as well! Finding that property with the well on it was a gift from the Most High because they cost around 7500 in our area, but we were considering tanking it in or water catchment systems. I look forward to getting to know you guys as well!!!

  2. So excited for guys. I just left a comment on facebook about our family being led down a similar path by God. So a couple of questions for you if you don't mind. Has your family considered a composting toilet?? We are considering one so we can get rid of our blackwater tank. As far as electricity goes, we are in the process of getting a solar system set up. Currently we are charging batteries with a generator so we can use our inverter to power the camper. We don't have a well yet so we purchased a 550 gallon water tank. Our here we pay 25 cents per 100 gallons of mountain spring fed lake water. I look forward to keeping you company on your journey.

  3. Will you share the name of the agent or company you dealt with; if you don't mind. I am very interested in the same lifestyle.

    1. HI Nabbi, We ended up going through
      Thanks for reading!!

  4. Wow, I'm so excited for your family! Give thanks for sharing your journey with us. There are a couple of families that I am good friends with in my town that are interested in this lifestyle change as well. I will direct them to your blog. Peace & Love!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words and yes, please direct them here to share this crazy ride, lol.

  5. Congratulations! I look forward to following your journey! -Ginger
